CytoBody® Exfoliating Body Polish

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Price: $69. Special introductory price $59


    CytoBody® Exfoliating Body Polish       

                exfoliate,  hydrate & nourish 

 reveal your  “touch me” skin all year round

CytoBody®s Proprietary Blend contains:

  • powerful enzymes to exfoliate dead skin cells gently yet effectively 
  • AHA’s to deepen exfoliation, even skin tone & hydrate
  • essential vitamins & minerals to feed, nourish, replenish
  • our Synergistic Blend which helps stimulate collagen, improve elasticity
  • rich emollients leave your skin feeling      deliciously     smooth  &  soft



     CytoBody® Exfoliating Body Polish

     reveal  your  “touch me”  skin all year round 

                      Unit Price  $69 (200ml)  

            Special Introductory Offer  $59*
                  (1st time purchase)


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